The Puppet president.
The intention of this post is to remind you guys that Mrs. Pratibha Patil is our president(of INDIA).I compeletly forgot about her .As far as i am conserned she didn't make any impact in the country as Dr. Abdul Kalam did.He was very concerned about the nation and he involved himself in all major happenings in the country .But i could not find that kind attitude in her.Since Mrs. Pratibha Patil was a loyal person to congress , they made her a puppet president.
Our President .
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Posted by meyya at 10:04 PM 32 comments
Labels: parthiba patil, president, puppet
Ajith has real fans , Vijay has virtual fans .
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Posted by meyya at 4:12 PM 66 comments
Labels: ajith, real fans, reputation., traffic, vijay
The statistics for alexa , pagerank and orkut members count referred here is for as on 23rd nov 2008 4:41 p.m IST.
I have been writing posts continuously about ajith and vijay and now the aim of this post is to prove that ajith's fan base is real and vjay's base is reel.Vijay fans claim that they have more members in official vijays community as compared to ajith.The total number of members in orkut Ilayathalapathy Vijay 57,765 members and total number of members in orkut Ultimate star ajith is 36,398 members .The difference between both the communities is around 20,000.
Skip this para if you know about Alexa web ranking and Google Page rank.
The two giants who control web traffic ranking and the page rank of the sites are Alexa and Google respectively.let me brief you about alexa and google page rank(PR). Alexa ranks are based on the number of visitors and pageloads for a website .The lesser the alexa the more popular is the website.
eg : alexa rank of orkut is 42 , and that of google is 14 .So google is popular than orkut.And
Google page rank are based on number of incoming links to a page.Google page rank are given out of ten .If the page rank is 10 then the page is most popular.
eg: page rank for is 10/10 but for orkut is 5/10 .So it means that google is popular than orkut.
The statistics
If vijay has more members in orkut community then it means that he has more fans in the web world.So the official website of vijay must posses atleast atleast 30%(since 30% more members are there in orkut community for vijay compared to ajith) higher alexa traffic ranks and google page rank than ajith's.
But the Alexa traffic rank for official website( of vijay is 36,092.
The Alexa traffic rank for official website of ajith( is 21,656.
Ajith leads by 30%(approx.) in alexa rankings.
The Google page rank for official website( of vijay is 2/10.
The Google page rank for official website( of ajith is 3/10.
Here also Ajith leads by 30%(approx.) in google page rank.
The google page rank can be checked in
So the statistics for ajith's website is 30 % more than vijay.What does this convey ?
Since , creating an orkut account is not big deal and adding those accounts in to a community is also not a big deal ,vjay's fans have created a lot of dummy accounts in orkut and added those dunmmy accounts to the vijay community and trying to create an image that vijay is the next superstar and he has a lot of fans.So i kindly request the owner and moderator of vijay's community to delete fake accounts and maintain a honest community.i am sure that they'll not delete fake accounts , rather they'll create more fake accounts and boast that 1 lakh fans !
Ajith fans are always loyal and honest like their HERO .
Are Sardars fools ?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:03 PM 3 comments
Read this article fully , you are there for a surprise !
Sardarji is in a Quiz Contest trying to win
prize money of Rs.1 crore.
The questions are as follows:
1) How long was the 100 yr war?
A) 116
B) 99
C) 100
D) 150
Sardar says "I will skip this"
2) In which country are the Panama hats made?
Sardar asks for help from the University students
3) In which month do the Russians celebrate the
October Revolution?
Sardar asks for help from general public
4) Which of these was King George VI first name?
Sardar asks for lucky cards
5) The Canary islands, in the Pacific Ocean , has
its name based on
which animal:
Sardar gives up...
If u think you are indeed clever and laughed at
Sardar's replies, then
please check the answers below:
1) The 100 year war lasted 116 years from 1337-1453
2) The Panama hat is made in Equador
3) The October revolution is celebrated in November
4) King George's first name was Albert. In 1936 he
changed his name.
5) Puppy. The Latin name is INSULARIA CANARIA which
means islands of
the puppies.
Now tell me who's dumb....and next time don't ever laugh at a Sardar again .
Finally deactived it !
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Posted by meyya at 11:16 AM 2 comments
Labels: caller tunes disturbing, deactivate caller tnes, Vodafone
The deactivation i am talking about is , not receiving any further vodafone caller tunes requests and download sms.The kind of sms i receive is "hot mallika wall papers ", "trisha vs Asin" , etc.Do they think that if they send such cathy sms we guys would download those wallpapers and photos to the mobile ?If I need "hot mallika wal papers " , why should i go for a mobile download ? rather i will download even more hotter wallpapers from internet to my pc !
I got pissed of by these kind of sms and called vodafone to deactivate it .And also deactivted it.
I will just include how to deactivate vodafone caller tunes request and service sms incase it might help you.
send a sms " Start DND " to 1909 .
Sms will not be charged , 1909 is a toll free number !
Silver Jewellery Store -Key Silver
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Posted by meyya at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: bracelets, jewellery, silver jewellery
Hey folks, I would like to tell you about a website (Sterling Silver Jewellery ) that I found while performing a Google search for some Silver Bracelets related sites. The site had a good style and it looked professional. All the links in the site were easily navigable and the content in the site had a good clarity of what it was intended to convey.
Various products such as Key Silver, Silver Bangles, Silver Bracelets, Silver Necklaces, Silver Pendants and Silver Cleaning Cloths are offered by Jewellery. Among all these products I got attracted by Sterling Silver Bracelets because of their variety. You would be surprised to know that there are around 34 types of Bracelets are available. Each and every Bracelet here is unique and there are also very attractive designs. The price for the bracelets seems to be nominal when design and quality are considered. Among the various types of bracelets Happy Days Bracelet is my favorite. The reason for this is, Happy days Bracelet consists of 7 hearts which have unique color and these seven hearts are linked smooth solid silver links and at the two ends of the bracelet there are two cute balls which are silver in color. And the cost of this bracelet is only £15.00.
About the company, Key Silver has been online since 2006.The main area of their business is silver jewellery and the silver content in the jewellery in .925 stamp i.e. is 92.5 % silver content. The specialty about Key silver is that, you won’t get the silver jewellery in the market which is available in their website. Because, the jewellery which are available in key silver is sourced directly from jewellery makers in Thailand. This reduces the cost of the jewellery since there would be no commissions for dealers and sub-dealers.
So if you have an idea of buying any silver jewellery choosing key silver would be a sensible decision
OBAMA - Inspiring photograph ( inspired by the thing in his hand !!!)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Posted by meyya at 12:56 AM 8 comments
Aegan first day first show videos @ vetri theater.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Posted by meyya at 6:10 PM 5 comments
Labels: 1st day 1st show, aegan, agean, ajith, hey sala, thala
Ajith is a Confident person, this incident is to show that Ajith fans are also confident!
Posted by meyya at 2:28 PM 7 comments
Labels: 1st day 1st show, aegan, ajith
I asked one of my friends to get ‘ rasigar mandram ‘ ticket for 1st day 1st show for Aegan in Vidya theater ( tambaram).He asked me to come to theater at 8.30 am and when I called him by 8.15 he asked me get ticket from counter since the movie had started and he gave my ticket to someone else. I got disappointed and was vexed. Then at around 9.30 I thought of going to vetri theater (2 KM from vidya) but I was not sure whether aegan was screened there. But anyways I just gave a try and went up to the theater and was excited to aegan posters and banners all around the theater. I then quickly went to the bike park and parked my bike.I got a black ticket and went and watched the movie.
As usual the movie was exciting and had a lot of fun, especially during introduction .Now I’ll post another article about the movie review. Here I will tell you the incident which happened while watching the movie. When HEY SALA song came there was a lot of excitement in the crowd and we enjoyed the song since it was excellent, raising everyone’s spirit. When the song got over there was a huge roar in the crowd asking for once more. But the operator didn’t do so. The movie continued but the roar was not over, everyone stood up and were banging the seats and shouting “ONCE MORE PODRA DEY ……… “.But the operator was adamant and didn’t play it again. Two scenes passed and still crowd didn’t stop roaring. continuously for 15 minutes the crowd was shouting and after some time on the screen it was displayed as interval. Now imagine what could have happened? Did everyone go out of their seat? No , instead with self confidence everyone started shouting loud .And I was sitting (actually standing) near the door and when a few people went out I asked them not to go and ant the theater was jam packed in the interval. Still the operator didn’t play it. It was looking as if there was a strike! Everyone said that no one would go out for interval .So if no one goes out then it will be a loss for the canteen of the theater. So the operator was pushed to a situation to play it again. Since all fans were united and confident we were able to play it once more. In the meantime when we were shouting there was even crackers blasting inside the theater near the screen. Below is that video.
“Be proud to be a THALA FAN.”
Sixth Central pay commission ( 6th , sixth , 6 th pay commission for central government employees)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:33 PM 15 comments
Labels: around me, sixth pay commission
As the report for sixth central pay commission has been released by the finance ministry most of the central government employees are some what relieved and this was the moment expected by most of the central government employees.My mom , who is also a central government employee is now happy with the pay commission.
My mom told that most of her colleagues didn't know where to see the pay commission report and calculations of the pay scale.So i just wanna leave link for the pay scale calculator and few highlights of the pay commission.
Highlights of the Pay commission
1. Dearness Allowance:
- the AICPI (IW) will continue to be the index used for calculating DA for Government employees.
- Merger of dearness allowance with basic pay is not recommended.
- DA will continue to be sanctioned twice a year as on 1st January and 1st July payable with the salary of March and September, respectively.
2. City Compensatory Allowance (CCA):
- City Compensatory Allowance to be abolished.
3. Other Compensatory allowances:
- Rates of Special Compensatory (Hill Area/Remote Locality), Tribal Area Allowance, Project Allowance and Bad Climate Allowance revisied as follows :
- Project Allowance: Rs.1500 p.m. For posts in the grade pay of Rs.5400 and above; Rs.1000 p.m.For posts in the grade pay of less than Rs.5400
- The rates of all the above allowances shall automatically increase by 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
- Abolition of Special Compensatory Allowance for Gandhinagar and Special Compensatory (Border Area) Allowance.
- As regards Special (Duty) Allowance for postings to North East Regions, the allowance at the existing rates should be paid to all Central Government employees on their posting on transfer to any North East Region irrespective of whether the transfer is from outside the North East Region or from another area of that region.
- The condition that the employees have all India transfer liability should also be dispensed with. This will ensure that all employees, irrespective of their group, get the benefit of this allowance on their posting to a new city in North East on transfer.
- The Special (Duty) Allowance as well as other concessions allowed to the Government employees in North East region to be extended to the Government employees posted in Ladakh.
- Island Special (Duty) allowance: No change is recommended in respect of this allowance. However, this allowance should, henceforth, also be paid to all Central Government employees on their posting on transfer to any place in these Islands without insisting on an all India transfer liability.
- Hard Area Allowance to the employees posted in the Nicobar group of Islands to be paid separately along with Island Special (Duty) Allowance. Further, this allowance should also be extended to the Lakshadweep group of islands.
Project Allowance
Bad Climate & Special (Hill Area) Allowance
4. Traveling Allowance:
Travel entitlements
- No change in the travel entitlement for travel outside India.
- In case of road travel between places connected by rail, travel by any means of public transport be allowed provided the total fare does not exceed the train fare by the entitled class.
- In case of places not connected by train, travel by AC bus for all those entitled to travel by AC II Tier and above in train and by Deluxe/Ordinary bus for those who are entitled to travel by First Class/AC III Tier/AC Chair Car/Sleeper Class in train is recommended.
- All mileage points earned by Government employees on tickets purchased for official travel should be utilized by the concerned department for other official travel by their respective officers.
- The travel entitlements while on tour and transfer to be revised as under :
Travel Entitlement
5. Daily Allowance
- The recommended rates of daily allowances are illustrated in above Table.
- The rates of all the components of Daily Allowance shall automatically increase by 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
- In case of stay or journey on Government ships, boats etc.or journey to remote places on foot/mules etc. for scientific/data collection purposes in organisations like FSI, Survey of India, GSI etc., daily allowance will be paid at rate equivalent to that provided for reimbursement of food bill. However, in this case the amount will be sanctioned irrespective of the actual expenditure incurred on this account with the approval of the Head of Department/Controlling Officer. For journey on foot, an allowance of Rs.5 per kilometer traveled on foot shall be payable additionally. This rate will also be increased by 25% whenever DA payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.
6. LTC & other benefits:
- travel entitlements under LTC should also be same as those on official tour and transfer except no daily allowance be payable for travel on LTC.
- The facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by the Government or any Corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Government or a local body.
- Encashment of Earned Leave upto 10 days along with LTC to the extent of total of 60 days be continued,
- The leave encashed at the time of availing LTC not be deducted from the maximum amount of Earned Leave encashable at the time of retirement.
- Consequently, the employees would be eligible to encash 300 days of Earned Leave at the time of their retirement, even though they may have encashed Earned Leave of upto 60 days during their career while availing LTC, whether to their home town or to any place in India.
- The Railways employees be allowed to avail of this encashment at the time of availing of passes for a maximum of 60 days in the entire career subject to the condition that successive encashment cannot be made before a minimum period of two years has elapsed.
7. Transport Allowance:
- in the revised scheme of pay scales, all the allowances and facilities will be governed by Grade Pay.
- the existing condition which prohibits grant of Transport Allowance to the employees who have been provided with official accommodation within one Kilometer of the office is removed.
- Other conditions regulating the grant of this allowance shall remain unchanged.
- Physically disabled employees shall continue to draw this allowance at double the normal rates.
- This, however, will be further subject to the condition that Transport Allowance in the case of physically disabled employees shall, in no case, be less than Rs.1000 per month plus the applicable rate of dearness allowance.
- Employees in pay band PB-4 who are entitled to the use of official car for travel between residence and office may be given the option to draw transport allowance at a higher rate of Rs.7000 p.m. plus dearness allowance provided they give up the use of official car for travel between residence and office.
The Commission recommends following rates for Transport Allowance :
Transport Allowance
8. House Rent Allowance:
- the Commission recommended merger of C Class Cities (having population of 50,000 to 5 lakh) with `Unclassified Towns' (having population of less than 50,000).
- The existing population criterion for classifying towns and cities for purposes of HRA is being retained but population in the urban agglomeration should be taken into account for classifying a city for purposes of HRA.
- HRA in A-1 cities be paid at the rate of 30% of the total of revised pay in the running pay band and grade pay thereon.
- Erstwhile A, B-1 and B-2 categories are being merged.
- The following rates of House Rent Allowance:
9. Education Allowance:
- the Commission recommended merger of Children Education Allowance and Reimbursement of Tuition Fee which will henceforth be reimbursement upto the maximum of Rs.1000 per child per month subject to a maximum of 2 children.
- Hostel subsidy may be reimbursed upto the maximum limit of Rs.3000 per month per child. The limits would be automatically raised by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on the revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
10. Holidays:
- The Government offices will remain closed only on the 3 National holidays.
- No other closed holidays be allowed.
- Restricted Holidays available to an employee shall be increased to 8 with the list of Restricted Holidays being suitably enlarged to include all the erstwhile Gazetted Holidays therein.
- Every Head of Department (HoD) should be allowed the option of declaring the office closed for a maximum of two Restricted Holidays in a year based on local considerations.
- The number of Casual Leave, Half Pay Leave and Earned Leave available to Government employees shall remain unchanged.
- The number of casual leave for physically disabled employees will stand increased to 12 days. From 1/9/1981, Teachers, Principals and Head Masters working in schools and from 28/7/1984, Librarians, Laboratory Assistants and Watermen working in schools have not been allowed the facility of half pay leave. This facility needs to be restored for these categories as the present rules place them in difficulties in times of sickness, etc.
These categories should be made eligible for half pay leave on par with other Central Government employees.
11. Deputation (Duty) Allowance:
· the rates of Deputation (Duty) Allowance and Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance may continue to be paid at the rate of 5%, 10% and 15% of the aggregate of pay in the pay band and grade pay without any pecuniary limit. This will, however, be subject to the limit that the aggregate of pay in the pay band and Deputation (Duty) Allowance/Central (Deputation on Tenure) Allowance does not exceed Rs.39,200 being the minimum pay in the pay band PB-4.
12. Miscellaneous Allowances
· The Commission recommended doubling of the extant rates of Cycle Allowance, Washing Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance, Special Allowance, Night Duty Allowance and Split Duty Allowance.
· The rates of these allowances will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%.
· Machine Allowance withdrawn.
13. Over Time Allowance
· Abolition of compensation in the form of Over Time Allowance or any other similar allowance to any of the Central Government employees except those belonging to the categories of operational staff and industrial employees governed by statute.
14. Advances
A. Interest Free Advances
The Commission recommended that the existing amount of following interest free advances should be doubled:-
- Festival Advance
- Advance in the event of natural calamity like flood, drought, cyclone, etc.
- Advance for training in Hindi through Correspondence Course.
The rates of these allowances shall be increased by 25% every time dearness allowance on revised pay bands increases by 50%. All other existing conditions in respect of various interest free advances shall be maintained without any change.
B. Interest Bearing Advances
· no interest should be charged on advances for purchase of warm clothing and bicycle. Like in the case of other interest free advances, the existing rates of advances for purchase of warm clothing and bicycle should also be doubled.
· The Commission was of the view that in order to spread the benefit in a more equitable manner, it was desirable to provide only for the element of interest subsidy and make available various interest bearing advances to Government employees through arrangements with public sector banks.
· The Government will give an interest subsidy equal to 2 percentage points in rate of interest being charged by the bank to the employee.
· The interest subsidy for employees with disabilities will be equal to four percentage points in the rate of interest being charged by the bank.
· Simultaneously, the existing limit of various interest bearing advances should also be doubled for the purpose of getting the subsidy. This limit should automatically be increased by 25% every time the dearness allowance payable on revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
· The eligibility for taking the advances should also be removed because the repaying capacity would, in any case, be considered by the concerned bank at the time of processing the loan application.
15. Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA)
Accordingly, the Commissions recommends that Doctors should continue to be paid NPA at the existing rate of 25% of the aggregate of the band pay and grade pay subject to the condition that the Basic Pay + NPA does not exceed Rs.85,000.
16. Risk Allowance:
- Risk Allowance is withdrawn.
- Employees be provided with free medical and life insurance of Rs.5 lakhs for employees in PB-1 pay band; Rs.7 lakhs for employees in PB-2 pay band; Rs.10 lakhs for employees in PB-3 pay band/higher pay bands/scales.
- The amount of the insurance should automatically be increased by 50% every time the DA payable on the revised pay goes up by 50%. The entire expenditure on paying premium for this insurance will be borne by the Government.
- The amount insured will be paid in case of any serious injury/death sustained in the course of employment and will be over and above the other benefits available to all categories of Government employees.
- These employees should also be provided with additional health benefits with mandatory health check-ups every quarter and enhanced leave, wherever the same is necessary for proper recuperation.
17. Uniform related Allowances:
- the Commission recommends the following rates of Uniform Allowance for different categories of such personnel :
Initial grant Rs.14000; Renewal grant Rs.3000; payable after every three years
Uniform allowance for Coast Guard officers:-
Initial grant Rs.16000; Renewal grant Rs.5000; payable after every three years.
- Existing rates of Kit Maintenance Allowance be doubled for all categories of employees presently in receipt of this allowance. Uniform Allowance for nurses should also be increased to Rs.500 per month.
The rates of Uniform Allowance and Kit Maintenance
- Allowance for all the above categories shall be increased by 25% every time the Dearness Allowance on revised pay bands goes up by 50%.
18. T.A. on Transfer
The Commission recommends that transportation of personal effects by road at the rates prescribed for `other places' should be allowed in respect of places connected by train as well without subjecting it to the extant restriction that these can not exceed 1.25 times of the eligible train fare. The revised entitlements of transport while on transfer shall, therefore, be as follows :-
Halloween Costume
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:43 AM 1 comments
By seeing the post title as Halloween costumes , you would be puzzled, rite? There is a reason behind the title of the post. Okay let me first explain you what Halloween means .Halloween is a Blissful juncture on which people dress up with different kind of costumes and costumes are the most important part of Halloween. On the day of Halloween children disguise themselves in costumes and go to their neighboring doors and ring the calling bell and ask for trick or treat for getting some gifts or candy’s or some other items similar to that .So now Halloween is soon approaching and in order to buy costumes for Halloween you can visit one of the most popular costume paradise who design and release costumes especially for Halloween. And also all the costumes in this store are fully safe and also it follows the Halloween costume safety released by the government.
costumecauldron is one of the most popular online shopping store for costumes and the goods are delivered very quickly than other online stores. Due to its most dedicated service and timely delivery costumecauldron is liked by all people and still it continues to be at the top in online costume business.
The above costume the girl wears is one of the parts of Angel and fairy costumes. The highlights of this costume are, it has long white gown which makes the little girl look like fairy or angel. The costume also has chiffon sleeves trimmed in silver which adds value and beauty to the whole costume. And the most attractive part of this costume is , it includes wings and a headpiece.
The boy above who looks like a clown wearing the Halloween costume is one the best costumes from costumecauldron .The costume has a red polyester jumpsuit with polka dots all around the costume. All costumes under this clown category come with matching hat and a ruffle collar.
Happy independence Day
Friday, August 15, 2008
Posted by meyya at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: around me, india, Personal Views
Today August 15th 2008 , we celebrate our 62nd independence day.I wish that our Indian economy must grow better and inflation must be kept under check and Let's all hope that our India must grow as a super power and let's work towards that.We can do whatever possible to take our India to great heights.And today most of the central government employees , including my mother are happy since our P.M is going to announce the 6th central pay commission.And Government has also accepted to give the pay commission arrears from 1st January 2006.
Jai Hind .
Costa Rica Forum
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Posted by meyya at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: blog reviews, costa Rica
As all of us know, Costa Rica is a very cool place to go for a tour or travel because of its natural heritage and very beautiful beaches. Costa Rica is one of the world’s hottest spots for travelling as you have many tourists’ spots which you can not find in other parts of the world. If you wish to travel to Costa Rica then you can make new friends at Costa Rica from Costa Rica Forum .You can even get more news about Costa Rica from Costa Rica Blogs.
Ajith(Thala) with my friend's freind.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Posted by meyya at 8:14 PM 5 comments
Labels: agean, ajith, around me, fan, Movie reviews, reviews, thala, Things which impressed me
The lucky guy in this photo with Ajith is Mani(my friend shankar's friend).He is working in some airways company at airport.He took this snap few days before at the time when ajith was at airport going abroad for Aegan shooting.My friend shankar told that ajith usually goes to malayasia for some medication(Mani told shankar and shankar told me ).And look at Ajith , how handsome and lean he is.He'll do justice for the college boy role in Aegan.
Mixed Culture @ work place
Monday, August 11, 2008
Posted by meyya at 10:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: life at syntel
When i went to office on first day i came to know that our batch had equally people from all four southern states.Initially i felt somewhat unhappy since everyone were not from tamilnadu.But later on i was comfortable all my colleagues and learned a lot about their state and culture.Now i know few words in telugu and malayalam ! I guess the main reason for which the company has put all people from southern state is , we all should communicate only in English , since English is the common language for all.So now our English also becoming a bit fluent.
Tests at office too :-(
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:18 PM 16 comments
Labels: life at syntel
I already knew that there will be tests in the company.But i thought that it'll be at the end of the training i.e only one final test.But the scenario at my office is diiferent ,we have test on each module which we learn.Suppose if a module is completed today , then we would have test on the same day , no time to prepare also.The only thing is , we need to be attentive in the class.we were told that approximately 10 to 15 tests will be conducted at the end of training.
Coming to clearing the training , i need to get an average of 60 % in all modules. If you don't get 60% then you will be terminated .Getting 60% is easy and you'll survive in the office ,But there will be no use if you get 60% in all modules.Because if you get 60 in all modules then you'll not be placed in any project rather on BENCH.If you should be in project then you need to get at least 90% in 3 modules.
Already 4 tests are over and i am a average student , but i managed to get100% in 1st , 96 % in 2nd, 92 % in the 3rd module and waiting for 4th module result.
Annual day at office !!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: life at syntel
Today when we came towards the end of the day , our training manager came with a HR to our room.We were thinking that they would talk about submission of documents and other things .But for our surprise they told that there is gonna be a annual day for the company.The annual day would be sometime in September and all events would kick start by the next week.
They asked our opinion about the events to be conducted and the session was interactive.The company didn't ignore freshers or trainees.They told us to come up with nice ideas for events and we would be allowed to organize events.
I am very happy because even in my college they conduct cultural for namesake , but in office its a great surprise for me.
Some of our previous annual day videos are
Temporary disappointement in salary :-(
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Posted by meyya at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: around me, life at syntel
Since my date of joining was on 17th july 2008 i thought that i'll be paid on 1st 1st aug 2008 .i.e for 14 days.All guys in my batch also thought the same .But to our disappointment the HR told that we will only be paid on 1st sep 2008.Because the salary calculations would be from 15th of one month to 15th of next month.Since we joined 17th we were unlucky.But they told that we would get salary for 45 days in next month.So friends if you join before 15th of month then you are lucky to get that months salary.Regarding salary we are not sure on take home pay , we'll know only we get in our hands.But it must be approx 17 to 18(not sure).
1st day at SYNTEL :-)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Posted by meyya at 7:14 PM 14 comments
Labels: life at syntel
Hi friends .
This my first post after joining syntel.I joined SYNTEL on 17th july 2008.One of the HR's in syntel called me on 7th july 2008 to inform me about the date of joining.I was surprised about the date of joining.Because when i asked my college seniors working in syntel about the date of joining , they told me that it'll not be before than November.The HR asked me whether i needed any accommodation for the first one week and i said no it as i was residing in chennai.Then i received various mails regarding time to be present in the office and other certificate details.
They asked us bring few passport and stamp size photos and also photocopies of address proof in the mail , i didn't notice that.So was in a hurry on the date of joining getting a quick photo.So it became late and i misplaced the address proof.After getting the photo and without finding the address proof i went to syntel office at little mount , chennai.
when i parked my bike in the premises i got a call from a HR asking where i was , i told her that i reahed the place and went in.I reported to the concerned person and received empty ID card folders from security.Then we were taken the training room.Then there was joining formalities and other procedures .Various people coming in and talking to us about the organization.There were totally 17 members joined with me.After filling in forms we left the place by 9:30 p.m.
The irony was that they told that i could give the photos and photocopies of address proof the next ( for taking which i went late).So if you( if suppose you are going to join syntel) forgot by chance the documents then don't worry.HR's at SYNTEL are more friendly and understanding.
I found the answer , Why my college hasn't asked us to surrender the ID card !!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Posted by meyya at 3:57 PM 13 comments
Labels: around me, college, Personal Views
Now a days engineering (studies) has become a business and engineering colleges aim at each and every aspect through which they can money.My college (AIHT Anand Institute of Higher Technology ) is never an exception.
I went to college to collect CC and TC and took my ID card with me to surrender it to college.This is the formality followed in most of the colleges.But i was amazed that they didn't ask me to surrender the ID , i even got CC and TC.So i was happy that our college has matured and won't say that they'll not give not CC and TC without ID.And few days before i met one of the staffs and had a chat with him. In the middle i told him about this ID card issue .Then i was shocked to know the answer that our college might only give the degree certificate (at the time of convocation) only if we surrender the ID.So i asked them why they couldn't get it now itself.
He replied me if we didn't ID card we have to pay 50 rupees or so as fine.If they get the ID at the time of convocation they can get even Rs.200 .So they are planning for a 150 or 200 rupee profit if you don't have it now or you lost it thinking you need not surrender respectively.
List of sites ( Websites web sites) where 10th (10 th tenth sslc matriculation anglo indian matric public exam examination ) results published availab
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Posted by meyya at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Anna university, around me, college, cricket, cut off, engineering admission, interview, walk in
10th Results Available Now !!
Tomorrow(30th may 2008 ) 10th results for State baoard , matric and anglo indian boards will be published.As we have told much about the results in previous posts , We give a list of web sites where the results will be published.
Government sites :
Other sites :
All the best for your 10th result !!We wish you a best of luck
Tamil Nadu TN 10th,tenth,10 th SSLC Matric, Anglo Indian , State Board ,2008 results ,public exam,private examination,result date,published date
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Posted by meyya at 9:36 AM 5 comments
Hi welcome guest !
10th Results Available now !!
to view results log on to
I know all of you who wrote the 10th public exam are eagerly waiting for the result.The results will be announced on 30th may 2008 by the DPI.Whenever any official news comes from DPI we will update it here as we are tracking all the improvements in DPI.So if you wish to get the results when it is published bookmark us and visit regularly for the updates of 10th results(SSLC MATRICULATION STATE BOARD ANGLO INDIAN ).
And when the results are out we will publish here it self.So it'll be good if you bookmark the site.
Because when the results are published government servers will be crowded and will have high traffic.But since many people are not aware of results published in our site , you won't have much of traffic here and you can see the results easily and without any delay.
All the best for your results friends.
Tamilnadu SSLC Results | Tamilnadu SSLC Results 2008 | SSLC Results | SSLC Result | tamilnadu results | tamil nadu results | Tamilnadu Matriculation 10th Result | SSLC OSLC AISLC results | results board | tn results | sslc results | 10th results | examination results | exam results | sslc board | 2008 tamilnadu Matriculation sslc result | matriculation x results | SSLC Result 2008 tamilnadu | Tamilnadu exam results | SSLC Results 2008 | Tamil Nadu Public Exam Class X Results 2008 | Tamil Nadu Public Exam Class X Result | SSLC Result 2008 | State Board Results 2008 | Tamilnadu X Std Results | Anglo Indian 2008 Results | 2008 Matric Results | 2008 SSLC Results | Tamilnadu Public Exam X Std | tamilnadu sslc exam results | tamilnadu sslc exam results | Tamilnadu X Std State Board Results 2008 | Tamilnadu Public Exam X Std Results | SSLC Results | Anglo Indian Results | 2008 X Std Results | State Board 2008 Results | Class 10 Std Results | 2008 10th std results | Class 10 std result | 10th Class results | 10th Results | Pubilc Exam Results | India results 2008 | education results | 2008 results tamilnadu | sslc results 2008 | state results | tamilnadu results 2008 | TN results 2008 | State Board 2008 Results | Class 10 Std Results | 10 Results | Tamilnadu SSLC 2008 Results | tamilnadu sslc results 2008 | tn sslc exam result | tn sslc results 2008 | Matric 10 Std result | tamilnadu matriculation exam results 2008 | tamilnadu matric results | x matric results | x matric result 2008 | matriculation result 2008 | Tamilnadu Matriculation 10th Result | sslc matric result |
VODAFONE - CREDIT of 10 Rupee ! Really customer friendly
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Posted by meyya at 12:40 PM 5 comments
Now a days you might have received sms from vodafone and other friends and saw ads in tv stating that if you send "CREDIT' or 'CA' to 144 then you'll receive 10 rupee credit .Is this true ?
YES this is absolutely true :-)
vodafone now becomes first cellular network in india to introduce credit system in mobile recharge.
The main purpose of this plan is to help customers of vodafone in remote place whose balance is low and there are no near by vodafone shops or retailer shops to recharge.So now you can recharge from any place !
Does vodafone give you that 10 rupees free ?
How will they get back that 10 rupees ?
Can all users use this credit system ?
For all the questions you can find answers in
Vodafone blog
Children of Heaven - The film that touched my heart( a Perfect example of affection between a brother and a sister )
Monday, May 26, 2008
Posted by meyya at 11:36 PM 0 comments
Today (26th may 2008 ) i was very bored and was scanning channels for a good song or a movie.Then when i was crossing vijay tv i saw the title of film and after that some words written in arabic and i couldn't understand them.And my brother insisted me to stick on to vijay since he is a movie buff .From the starting of the film i paid a good amount of attention to the film.Then i statred loving the scenes in the film .The name of the film was "CHILDREN OF HEAVEN".
This film didn't have many grand sets or artists but this film is very good and a heart touching movie.If you have not seen this movie please do see this movie.